Saturday, 14 April 2012

Who is Sam Lewis?

I guess, in truth, I'm actually way behind the blogging curve. With the rise of the social networks, blogging seems to have been pushed to one side because greater connectivity can be found on Facebook and Twitter; with Myspace and Bebo before them. However, I have come to think that blogs represent a much more 'personal' form of internet interaction. Facebook has become very cliquey and is not always the best place to air opinions, especially if they can be seen as 'controversial':

*posts an opinion which is slightly outside the norm* - *gets abusive status comments and sees friend count go down* - *deletes status to preserve one's sanity*

This seems to be the same for everyone and I have deduced that Facebook really is not the place for most of my musings. This is why I have decided to create this blog, as Facebook trolls are unlikely to be bothered with it and only people who actually have some interest in what I have to say will read it (or possibly no-one but we'll see..). I'm sorry that this has been a rather long introduction but I felt the need to explain the purpose for this blog. I chose the name 'Who is Sam Lewis?' in direct reference to the famous line 'Who is John Galt?' from Ayn Rand's 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged which has had a profound difference on my world outlook. Despite the overt literary reference, it is not supposed to be witty, pithy or 'creative' in any shape or form. It seems that these days everyone is trying to create an image for themselves; but I try to remain as indifferent as ever, above all trends - which although is probably a trend in itself (thank you marketing people..) I really do not feel the need to qualify reasons for anything and use the Atlas Shrugged reference purely to amuse myself.

Ok, so what will be covered here? The answer is as of yet unclear to me. I expect this will be where I air my opinions on whatever my mind will ponder over in the future. General rants are the going to be the most likely blogging 'subjects' because I enjoy pontificating about various things. As a general rule, I am very one-sided and will not sit and objectively weigh up the pros and cons of each little subject. This isn't an academic piece of writing so I do not feel the need to please everyone here. Politics will also be covered at times, as this is what I am studying plus I have an interest in it. I shall most likely argue from a neo-liberal point of view, which I make no apologies for. I know this is seen as 'radical' by many young people who seem to be embroiled in the virtues of the left, but I sit firmly on centre-right ground and I do not pretend otherwise. Music will probably also be covered here, as I will link to my concert reviews on and may just post other musical musings here too (for example: I am listening to Aqualung by Jethro Tull as I write this is anyone is interested..).

I am not going to claim that this is going to a coherant blog, particularly intelligent, or even frequent. I shall write what I want, when I want. It will be a very indifferent blog. I think indifference is an underrated quality these days, as everyone decides that they need an opinion on everything! Linking Facebook to The Guardian newspaper hasn't helped this.. But anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you pop back when I get round to writing some more stuff :)

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