Unlike the last album, which was pretty heavy and a bit of a hard listen at times, Satanic Rites of the Wildhearts is a bit more upbeat (in relative terms) and melodic. It certainly feels like an album which is trying to recapture some of the band's early accessibility whilst also writing knotty and heavy songs - with the album cover clearly being a homage to 1993's classic debut Earth vs the Wildhearts. There are some songs here which evoke that anthemic album's overall vibe - but there are also other flavours here, despite Ginger's songwriting tropes being evident. The album is around 45 minutes long, with the 10 tracks generally being short and to-the-point, but it is bookended by longer pieces. Opening cut Eventually, like knottier tracks such as Inglorious before it, is more stretched out than many Wildhearts tracks - with plenty of different riffs and sections coming together to form an impressive whole. Opening with a screeching guitar lead, a riff which recalls early 1990s Metallica soon kicks in. The song is generally a mid-paced hard rocker despite the toughness of some of the riffing, but there is plenty of groove throughout, too, with staccato stabs early on creating something of a hypnotic guitar pattern - before the bass takes on more of a role and the verse proper gets underway. Ginger utilises a number of vocal styles throughout the album - and he sounds pretty aggressive early on here. A few harsher barks are his first introduction, before the first verse is screamed with punk/hardcore-esque energy - and he sounds heavier than usual vocally here, which suits the percussive backing and some of the big riffs which are introduced here. His more melodic, and typical, delivery is reserved for the chorus, though, and the chorus here is extremely hooky. It feels pretty anthemic, with sing-a-long hooks and a real fists-in-the-air vibe which harks back to the debut album. Spacey interludes with clean guitar melodies and laid back leads punctuate parts of the song, adding breaks in between the riffing, with one such moment being stretched out later on to allow for a foray into a more atmospheric vibe. This instrumental section lasts for quite a while, too, getting heavier as it moves along - culminating in a pretty high-octane and shredded guitar solo. It is a song which hooked me in from the off thanks to its big chorus, but over repeated listens it has grown further - and it gets the album underway in fine fashion. Scared of Glass reins things in somewhat arrangement-wise, but the song is another pretty riffy and mid-paced rocker - very typical of the band's classic sound. There is always a strong punk feel to the band, and that is evident throughout this track, with gang vocals during a bouncy chorus latching on from the first listen - although the riffing throughout is always a bit more technical and classic rock inspired. The song's main riff is busier than it seems, which rewards repeated listens, whilst Ginger's pleasing North East delivery vocally helps to add a folky/heartland rock edge which, again, has often characterised the band's approach. It is a memorable song, which generally rocks pretty hard - and there is another fairly lengthy instrumental section here, too.
The more straight ahead Troubadour Moon, which acted as one of the album's singles, feels like melodic Wildhearts 101 - recalling the vibe of 2003's The Wildhearts Must Be Destroyed somewhat. It is a song which was written to be catchy, with Ginger singing in a very melodic and accessible way throughout - and the whole song is built around a poppy and bouncy chorus with a slight pop-punk edge that is another which sticks in the brain from the off. Despite this, though, there is a slight southern rock feel to parts of the song. Similar to the bits of Ginger Wildheart & The Sinners I have heard, there is a more organic feel to the guitar playing throughout. The riffing is not as intense this time, with more twin lead guitar melodies and the occasional slide lick adding a bluesy and southern rock feel. These melodic guitar leads sit nicely alongside the bounce of the chorus - and the song is very easy on the ears as a result. Fire in the Cheap Seats is very different, as it ups the heaviness and goes for a pretty abrasive and chaotic sound overall - with plenty of metal and punk thrown into the mix. Similar to some of the more feral moments on the last album, alongside some of the more listenable parts of 1997's Endless, Nameless, the track is angular and unpredictable - particularly as the song opens with crackling clean guitars and distant vocals. The song's main riff, when it kicks in, is hard to compute - as it does not follow conventional rhythms and patterns, with the strange, light touch drumming behind it still managing to sound heavy. Discordant clean guitars, pulsing bass, and some of Ginger's most tortured vocals to date later characterise the song's verses - whilst the chorus is a little more conventional, with poppier hooks and cleaner vocals. I am not sure that all of the song's disparate elements all hang together, but it is certainly a listening experience for those who prefer their Wildhearts to be more challenging. Kunce leans heavily into the punk side of the band's writing style. It is the shortest song on the album, and it moves along at a fair pace - although it retains a strong 1970s punk vibe throughout. This is not some break-neck piece of hardcore punk - as it is very traditional in its scope, but the typical rhythms and vocal patterns, with gang backing vocals, is very pleasing overall. It is a very knowing song. It knows that its quite cliché in terms of its arrangement and use of tropes - but the lyrics are cutting in that typical Ginger fashion, and the band ensure that the grooves remain infectious. Maintain Radio Silence is one of the few songs here which has not grabbed me all that much. Whilst I may not like Fire in the Cheap Seats all that much, it remains a striking and memorable song, but Maintain Radio Silence is just a bit weak overall - and does little to really stand out. Ginger generally sings the song using the rougher end of his voice, so there is a heaviness throughout, but the riffing is not that memorable in my opinion. I do like the prominence of the bass throughout, which gives the song a real pulsing feel, but the 1960s-esque pop vocal refrains used during parts of the song feel a bit out of place - and the chorus does not really draw me in.
Blue Moon Over Brinkburn is much better, though. It is not a track which really stood out to me at first, but over repeated listens it has grown on me. I am not sure why it took a few listens to open up, as it is quite a straight ahead punky rocker, but perhaps the slightly jerky rhythm throughout put me off a little at first. The chorus is one of the album's best in my opinion, with a strong pop rock feel pushing through distorted guitars and crashing drums, whilst the verses feel a bit more staccato with jerky guitar stabs which feel punky, albeit slightly offbeat - which nicely suit the machine gun pace of Ginger's vocal delivery. The chorus and the verses are perhaps at odds with each other, then, but it does all manage to hang together in my opinion. Hurt People Hurt People is the album's only ballad, and it is a surprisingly melancholic, yet hopeful, song which sees Ginger really detailing his recent struggles and reaching out to others who feel similar. It is quite a positive song, then, despite what may be expected - and it is great that Ginger really seems to be in a much better place than he was just a couple of years ago. He seemed to be spiralling at the time, but this song is him saying that he got throughout it - and others can too. It is quite atmospheric, too, with bluesy guitar leads and ringing clean guitar chords - whilst Dudge's drumming is quite percussive and Ginger's heavily-accented vocal delivery really helps to ground the piece and ensure that it sounds authentic. I'll Be Your Monster, another of the album's singles, gets back onto firmer ground in terms of typical Wildhearts fare - and the track is another pretty hard rocking mid-paced anthem with a strong, gang vocal-led chorus and riffing. Poole's bass generally fills the verses, though, alongside some shuffling drums, but occasional stabs of guitar add heaviness - whilst squalls of saxophone from Jørgen Munkeby (Jaga Jazzist; Shining) add a different vibe. There is a saxophone solo later on, too, which is fun - as well as a jazzy outro with more. The album then comes to a close with the relatively lengthy Failure Is the Mother of Success - the first song from the album which was released. Arrangement-wise, it is quite similar to how the album opened. The song is made up from a few different parts, which are all based around a strong riff, and the overall pace is pretty high-octane throughout. The vocals throughout feature those classic Wildhearts vocal harmonies, which are not as prevalent generally here due to CJ's absence, which really help to ground this track in particular - whilst the main riff is another Metallica-adjacent moment with double kick drumming and a hard-driving feel. The chorus maintains this heaviness, with call-and-response vocals being shouted from different sides of the speakers in a jerky, yet hooky, manner, whilst other moments of the song feel much more atmospheric - with spacey guitar leads making a return during a few more stripped back sections. It seems like a strange song to kick off a promotion campaign with given its length and multiple parts, but The Wildhearts have rarely been conventional - and the song is another which has grown on a me a lot. The quieter moments feel quite heartfelt, whilst the heavier bulk of the track packs a real punch. It ends the album on a real high - and overall Satanic Rites of the Wildhearts is a winner. The more esoteric moments do not do a lot for me, which is generally the case with their albums, but the big anthems and the riffing throughout keep me coming back. Given the drama and the fresh band line-up it is just great to see Ginger in such rude form - and the album ticks a lot of boxes that the fans would expect.
The album was released on 7th March 2025 via Snakefarm Records. Below is the band's promotional video for Troubadour Moon.